Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Friday 30 July 2010

Women and Bikes and Balance

And no that is not the title of a slightly creepy porno!
It's balance that's the issue. On day one of “that time of the month” I get the dropsies. Really bad. Just about anything I pick up ends up on the floor. So of course, a machine with an internal combustion engine capable of speeds up to and including 174mph is not the best thing to pick up!! So I don't. I do have a car, but it is my humble opinion that I am far more dangerous with a ton of metal than a bike anyway, so I don't go near that either! Having only had my car license a few months, I still haven't quite got the hang of not driving into stuff yet. Fortunately no people or other vehicles have been harmed, but I can't say the same for trees, multi storey car park walls, bollards etc...Well, work is within walking distance, and All Social Activities Are Cancelled on that day anyway. So it's not too much of a problem. But it is a terrible nuisance! Particularly on the occasions it falls on a sunny sunday!!

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