Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Saturday 17 July 2010

Babies. And Something Icky.

Now, don't get me wrong, I like Babies as much as the next girl. Well, providing they belong to someone else and when they start screaming you can give them back to mummy anyway! I wouldn't mind one of my own one day, but my list of reqirements for the father of my child reads a little bit like, well, lets just say Monty Python style "Spanish Inquisition" jokes would be made should I start asking a boyfriend some of the questions on it!! Maybe I'm too fussy, I don't know. I'd want a man that thinks Private Schools are a wonderful idea and anything less than a Grammar School is unnacceptable and that the child should be taught to read and write before it even starts school (like I was) and should be given everything it wants and should be imbued with a love of reading and learning and encouraged constantly to ask questions and encouraged in anything it wants to pursue and given music lessons of whatever sort it wants and and and...
Yes, well, anyway. My problem is not with babies. It's with mothers. A friend of mine who is on my Facebook recently had another child. Very lovely, well done her, congratulations and all that. What I find unnacceptable is that she felt the need to put pictures up on Facebook. Pictures of your baby all wrapped up in a blanket ready to go home from the hospital - cute. Pictures of your baby all covered in blood having just popped out - revolting. Why would you do it? Who wants to see that?? And who thought it would be a nice idea to take a picture of it? Weren't there more important things going on at the time? Having never had a child, I haven't the first clue what actually happens in the hospital, but I'm sure photo-taking shouldn't be one of the things that does. The picture of the cord in a basket was really a step too far if you ask me. Personally, if it was my child, I wouldn't want to be reminded of the painful experience that is Giving Birth in any way, shape, size or form. Least of all with pictures of all the gory details! But then again, personally, I wouldn't want to get pregnant. I ride a sportsbike and a baby bump would probably mean I wouldn't fit...

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