Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Saturday 17 July 2010

My Little VFR400

Funnily enough, and you may not believe this, I'm not a Kawasaki person. I'm actually a Honda person. I once owned a VFR 400. (not the classic NC30, the NC21) And those things are like a disease!! A good disease that is. Once you've been bitten by the VFR bug, you have it for life. And you are now, whether you like it or not, A Honda Person. My little VFR was crap, let's be honest. Poor little bugger was held together with gaffa tape, cable ties and actually a bit of blutac. It cost me a whoping great 500 quid, and at the age of 19, on a sportsbike, I got insured for £285! Gotta love those wonderful people at Footman James. I didn't have it for all that long in the had a few problems. It had problems when I bought it, but after sliding it down the M25 at 120mph on it's side, it may have developed a few more. (We were all young once!!) Needless to say, I and the bike survived. Thanks to the NHS and much bodging respectivley. The one that really got me was the oil leak. After succesfully chewing up a few chain and sprocket sets and various other expensive things, and pretty much cleaning me out, she decides to blow the head gasket. "Bollocks" I thought, being already incredibly fed up with fixing things which had broken on her, I'll just keep topping up the oil. So she kept pissing it out. "I know!" I thinks, in me infinate wisdom, "I just won't put any oil in, then it can't leak any out" Would you believe it, it worked! (there's a first time for everything you know) The oil that was in there congeiled and blocked the gap. So I topped her up and sold her quick. Sold as Seen I might add. I ran her without oil for 2 weeks, and she still started, and went! Now if that's not a testament to Honda Engineering I don't know what is!

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