Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Time for a Rant...about Burning Poppies

Burning Poppies?? Burning Bloody Poppies??? What are they trying to do? Get themselves stabbed by skinheads??

Bloody Idiots.

Apparently a group of 10-50 (the papers can't agree, I'm guessing 20 or so) Islam4Uk pillocks thought burning a poppy or two during the two minutes silence would be a great way to stop the war in Afganistan. Yeah, okay then, because that's what it's going to take to stop the war. Not, ooh I don't know, negotiation and democracy. Nope, that won't work. Burning a poppy or two will definatly do it. Of course, Mr C is going to take one look at your flaming poppy and say "Oh gosh! This is serious, we better bring our troops home!" Yep, 'course he is! Bloody Idiots.

Fab bit of advertising for the rest of Islam too, isn't it? "Hey guys! Support our religion! We hate you and refuse to respect the 2 minutes silence!" Yep, brilliant.

So, what have these few complete twats actually achieved?

> The vast majority of actual Muslims will take the fall for this. There's bound to be more Racism as a result.

> The BNP will have a field day. They may even burn a few teddy bears called Mohammed. That's going to make for great race relations now isn't it??

> These idiots will probably get themselves hunted down, and murdered by skinheads. And then The Sun really will have something to get righteously indignant about!

Lock 'em up under the terrorism act, for goodness sake, either lock 'em up or ship them off to help with the war they're so concerned about, let them have their protests over there.


Honest, it really isn't. For goodness sake, take it elsewhere. Or better still, get over it!

Poppy Day is about the end of WW1, it is not, nor has it ever been, about Religion.
That's like advertising Life Insurance in Graveyards.
Completely Inappropriate.

Rant over. Thank you for listening!!

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