Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Thursday 11 November 2010

The Most Dangerous Thing in the World

So what do you suppose is the most Dangerous and Frightening thing in the whole world?

This Mosquito?

She is an Anopheles Albimanus Mosquito, otherwise known to you and I as the little bugger who carries Malaria.

This Snake?

The Dendroaspis Polylepis, otherwise known as the Black Mamba. If you've seen Kill Bill, you'll recognise it. If you haven't, this is the snake with one of the fastest acting known Venoms.

This Racetrack?

Yep, that would be the Nurburgring. Supposedly the most dangerous race track in Europe. I couldn't find any stats, funnily enough the Ring owners don't like them being published... But there is at least one crash there a day. *

Nope, the most Dangerous and Frightening thing in the world is...

...This little bastard!!

Yes, that would be a ten year old Ford Ka. And when it is doing 115mph downhill on a dual carriageway, in the rain, on budget tyres, with dodgy tracking, overtaking a lorry, and the steering goes light; that, my friends, is The Most Dangerous Thing in the World!!

Lesson Learnt.

God I need my bike back!!

*Side note about the Ring;

To be fair, I found the track itself really isn't that bad. The surface is not as bumpy as everyone says, it's better than the majority of British roads!! But I did go there on a private day (my bike club only), not a public day, so I'm not the best judge. On a public day, I'm guessing the main danger is the other numptys on it. Click this link for some useful advice if you fancy taking a trip there yourself. This guy's done 51 trips to the ring, so he's a little more qualified to talk about it than I am having only been once.

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