Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

The BNP, who are actually sillier than I thought

Or rather;
"The BNP, who are incredibly silly, and why they definitely should not have a go!"

Okay so I've done some homework. I proposed letting the BNP have a go for a few months and then getting Her Majesty the Queen to chuck them all in the Tower of London. My logic was that we let them implement their few sensible policies, then lock them up before they get a chance to go on any genocidial rampages.
However there is a slight problem with this theory...
(Among many others of course!)
I actually checked their website to see how silly or sensible their policies really are. I read through the whole damnded lot. I must say, there's potential there. But only when the 'National Pride' side of things totally replaces the 'Black People are Bad' side. Rather than them just pretending that is the case.

So my conclusion is that their policies are mostly quite silly, apart from one, and this is a direct quote;

" - Abolish the “Human Rights Act” which has been imposed on this country through the European Union, and which is nothing but an excuse to prevent British laws stopping the scroungers of the world parasiting off this nation; "

And that, my friends, is not a silly policy. It's a downright bloody stupid and inherently dangerous policy.

Oh, and 'parasiting' isn't even a real word!!

I'll stick with Dave and the tea boy thanks all the same Mr Nick-used-to-be-NF-and-has-done-time-for-inciting-racial-hatred-Griffin. Oh and get someone to spell check your website you plonker!!

Just a side note:
For anyone interested, most likely through morbid curiosity, I would really recommend reading their current policies as stated by the BNP themselves here. Then comparing them with the Wikepedia article here.

The 'General Media' make the BNP out to be totally evil racists, the BNP claim to be Patriots. The slant put on things by both sides is quite interesting. It's my personal opinion that neither can be trusted to be telling the truth.
The real facts themselves, which can be found amongst the Wiki article, are somewhat enlightening to say the least.
In an unprecedented attempt at not being biased myself, I leave you to draw your own conclusions!
All I will say, is that the facts, and the arrests, seem to speak for themselves.

Serious bit over! I shall ensure my next post has something to do with Dragons, or Fairies or something!!

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