Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Saturday 6 November 2010

25 Random Facts about Yours Truly...which may or may not be true!

Ages ago, people were playing this game on one of those evil social networking sites...and it was quite funny.
So I thought I would write a little contribution on here...

So, here you have it, 25 Random Facts about me
(Which may or may not be based in truth)

1. I believe in the Zombie Apocolypse wholeheartedly. To this end I have a chemical warfare suit stashed in my loft. One day they will come. And will you be prepared?

2. I am able, from memory, to reciete the entire Witch's Speech from Macbeth. Which is a slightly pointless talent. It's the "Double Double, Toil and Trouble" bit and all the gory ingredients of the cauldron I know. Incedentally, it really winds me up when people misquote it as "Hubble Bubble Toil and Trouble" Hubble Bubble?? Does that really sound like Shakespearian language...?

3. I have recently aquired a Blackberry, and subsequently there may be a few nonsense posts as I learn to use it...

4. I did not vote in the last election. :( This was due to an immence work related cock up and me not being able to find the polling station... Lesson learnt. Next time, I shall vote by post!!

5. Contrary to popular belief, I do not vote BNP. They interest me because they amuse me, not because I do, or am ever likely to take them seriously!

6. The security on my garage is complete. It now resembles Fort Knox very strongly... I am NOT prepared to let another motorcycle get stolen!!

7. I love being English. Mainly because I can't speak French. But also because, despite the bad stuff, I am quite proud of the good stuff this country can do.

8. I collect interesting little cork topped glass bottles. Don't ask. I just think they're cool!

9. I Love Wikipedia. Mainly because I can't afford university and it's the next best thing. (Yes I know it's not allways accurate, and rarely unbiased. But it's a fantastic idea! And it's a great starting point if you want to research a subject.)

10. I think Anne Rice is a fabulous author, and it's mainly thanks to a love of her work that I now have a love of classics. (Read "Pandora", you'll get it.)

11. Second to Anne Rice, I adore Dickens. With Great Expectations being an undisputed favourite.

12. Another favourite book is Defoe's Moll Flanders. If you haven't read it, do. It's wonderful. Will probably do another post on it at some point.
(11/11/2010 - Have done one, click here)

13. It is one of my aims in life to marry a millionaire.

14. I believe everyone should try to learn an instrument at some point in their life. ("Try to learn, that is", not "be good at playing"!)

15. I know 2 useful phrases in french; "My hovercraft is full of eels" and "I have no money". Respectivly; "Mon aerogleseur sont plan d'ongi" and "Je ne pas d'largent"

16. When I was little, my father informed me that a building you could see from the M4 Flyover had "1000" written on the side of it due to the fact that it was 1000 feet high. I discovered about a year ago that this is not the case. It is simply number 1000 Great West Road. Much to the amusement of my friends...

17. I wouldn't mind having a crack at journalism. But as a general rule, I don't much like journalists.

18. I think the current disrespect the "yoof of today" have for the elderly in their communities is shocking and disgusting. And to this end, as soon as I am grey enough, I shall do my bit to repair the situation. Mainly by pretending to be senile and whacking random teenagers with my walking stick whilst on the bus.

19. On a slightly more serious note, I fully indend to volunteer for one of those "pop round and chat to the elderly" schemes. Hopefully next year (eek!) I don't doubt that I may encounter a few problems knowing what they're on about...but that's besides the point.

20. I also intend to rope a friend of mine into this who has expressed an interest. But he isn't yet aware of this fact.

21. I fully believe, that if you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything. "I will marry a millionaire...I will marry a millionaire..."

22. Its actually quite difficult to write one of these lists...

23. I once threw a paintball salesman out of my place of work by telling him "That sort of mindless violence is against my religion!". Seriously, he wouldn't leave. No matter what I said. I had to do something!

24. I love telesales. I usuall tell them "Ooh [insert random useless product they're selling here] sounds fabulous! Can you just hold on a minute?" and then wait to see how long they'll hold for... My record is about 7 minutes.

25. Jehovah's Witnesses no longer call on me after I once invited them to come to the Satanic Ritual later that evening and be the sacrifice.

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