Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

My Theory was on QI!!

Well, I say "My Theory", but that's not strictly true...

It's the "Cat and Toast" theory. Which I personally think is completely fabulous! I was told it when I was quite little, and it's one of those things which has stuck with me.

The "Cat and Toast" Theory

As everyone knows, should you accidentally drop a slice of buttered toast, it will land butter side down. This is due to Murphy's 4th law of Physics, colloquially known as Sod's Law.

Also, should you push a cat off a kitchen work surface, it will land on it's feet. Because cats do that, as everyone knows, they always land on their feet.

So, should you strap a piece of toast, butter side up, to the back of a cat and then push it off a work surface, theoretically the opposing forces should cause the cat to hover in mid air just above the floor.

Condensing this slightly, it should also be theoretically possible to simply butter the back of the cat itself and push it off the work surface, again resulting in a hovering cat...

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