Well, ever since these riots began, I have been telling anyone and everyone who will listen that the BNP are going to have a field day with this one once it's all over. And that those idiots who started the riots have just strengthened the perception that all black people are evil telly-stealing thieves tenfold. Well done guys! Have a gold star. You've done wonders for race-relations and just fuelled the BNPs campaigns for the next ten years!
Anyhow, I've always had a soft spot for the BNP, firstly because they're silly policies are always good for a laugh. And secondly, because I can see potential there. I know this is a controversial view, and the BNP are essentially a bunch of flag-waving racists. But they are a bunch of flag-waving racists who don't half give a good speech on Patriotism. And Patriotism is something this country could do with a bit more of in my opinion. Less of the "it's all going to the dogs!" and more of the "well, isn't the NHS a bloody good idea." Sadly however, burning all the jews ain't the way to go about it. So for the time being, the BNP are relegated to the silly camp. (More on this here and here for anyone who is interested)
Anyway, back to the Field Day. I found this article on their website:
"In this multicultural ‘utopia’ – why does one community demand to be treated differently to the others?"
And I had a good old giggle over this quote:
"While the Lib/Lab/Con-supporting mainstream media has already sought to change the truth by printing many pictures of white-skinned rioters and looters with only the occasional black face shown"
No, actually, they haven't. Hate to break it to you guys, there are plenty of pictures of both. I know this, I spent last tuesday glued to both the BBC and Sky's live riot news. The whole 1984 attitude that the government control the media and use it for a good old bit of brainwashing really does irritate me a lot. 2 + 2 will never equal 5, no matter what the conspiracy theorists would have you believe. And no, Big Brother is not watching you! He has better things to do.
But I rather liked this quote:
"People who do not work when they can, who continually produce and raise children with no father around, who do not ensure that their children at least learn to read, write and speak recognisable English, and who allow their children to grow up with no ambitions and to feel that the world owes them something and has let them down are people who take no responsibility for their own lives and simply rely on others to provide for them and take the blame when their lives don’t match up to what they seem to think they should."
Goodness gracious me! Did the BNP just agree with David Cameron on something...?
Well, almost. The only difference is that the BNP, predictably, blame the whole thing on immigration. And Cameron, well, he's been very careful about blaming anyone. He's merely been stating the fact that there are a "group of people within our society that...feel the world owes them something" I have to say, I prefer how the BNP said it. But then they're not really real politicians, so they can say what they like.
I do wish the Conservatives were able to stop trying to be nice and just come out with it. The benefit system is a good idea badly executed, and certain bits of it just need to go. I'd love to help write their posters!
"Enough is Enough. We've cut the deficit, and now we're going to cut the freeloaders. Cut their benefits and then cut them up into little teeny tiny pieces!! Ooh yeah, we're back in business baby! And this time there ain't no coalminers to strike over things!"
I hope no one ever allows me to take up politics in earnest y'know...
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