Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

What happened to the Ninja

Yep, she's been stolen.

Because apparently some people are twats and practically ruining other people's lives is all in a nights work for them!!
The complete tossers in question helped themselves to her overnight on a sunday. Probably a white van and two tossers to lift her in. At least that's what happened to a friend up the road who lost an 08 Ninja two days later, because they caught it on video!! So could well have been the same tossers, seems a bit of a coincidence.
Video? Brilliant, you say, hand the CCTV over to the old bill and bob's your uncle!
Not so, hand the CCTV over to the old bill, and they tell you they "don't have the resources to check it". Don't have the resources?? To check a bit of film and run a number plate check?? Which could possibly take TEN WHOLE MINUTES??? You have got to be kidding me!

Anyway, the result of this palaver is that my insurance company will probably bitch and moan for a bit, hopefully give me at least half what my Ninja was worth and I'll eventually end up with another 09 Ninja insured at a ridiculous price. Maybe by next year, if I'm lucky.

In the meantime, I have been contenting myself with shopping for new security systems. Retail Therapy and all that. And it's making me feel a little bit better.

My wish list so far goes something like this...

1. Garage alarm that goes off in the garage, on the garage and in the house.
2. Awesome hidden cctv system you can check from your phone!
3. Security lights. About 50 of them.
4. Guard dogs.
5. Really big chain. Really big. We're talking big enough to tow an aircraft with!!
6. Super duper bolt cutter proof padlocks. About 20 of them!
7. One of those anti car jackingy thingys they have in South Africa. You know, the thing that shoots flames at you if you touch the vehicle.
8. Big burly 24 hour security guards.
9. The bestest tracker money can buy.
10. And a winning lottery ticket to fund all of the above!

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