Religion, Money and Politics. The three things I was once told not to discuss at work. Oh and Motorcycles. Obviously.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Politics: The Housing Issue

I was reading me paper yesterday whilst trying not to be creeped out by the fact that I was infact in a Tattooists, and the person opposite me was infact getting a tattoo, when I came across an article on the Housing Issue. 'Me paper' incase you're wondering, is The Times. An Economist reader friend of mine is quick to describe it as "a tabloid with big words" But he doesn't ride a motorcycle. This makes him a Person, not a Biker, so his oppinion is irrelevant anyway really!
Anyhow, the article was discusing some of the new proposals for council houses. Now, council housing as a whole in my opinion is a really big problem. It's abused, regularly and relentlessley. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but surely council housing is for those who need it and is a short term solution? Granted in the case of people unable to work through disabilities etc. it's a long term solution, and a nessesary one. But in the case of people fit and able and, dare I say, unwilling, to work? It would make sense that the council house gives you somewhere to go when you have nowhere, but once you're working, earning and have the means, surely you should be finding somewhere yourself. So I must admit, I'm all for most of these ideas. Rent capped at £400 so people can't take the piss? Sounds good. Reviewing circumstances every 5 years? Excellent. Preventing houses being 'handed down a generation' Good. And my personal favourite, downsizing once children are over a certain age and working. Or should be working. This one also suggested upping the rent if said children don't want to move out straight away. Sounds very sensible to me.
The problem with council housing is the way it's viewed. Too many people see it as their "right" rather than as a safety net. The system needs to be tightened so the vast number of people currently taking the piss, can't.
I was in tescos the other day and I heard a girl talking to a friend about "how shit the council are being" because she couldn't get a house where she wanted. Surely anywhere's fine, providing it has a roof and some walls, if you have nowhere to go and really need a house? I know I really wouldn't be fussed if I was in that situation.
So, good on you David. Sort it out mate! Make sure the houses go to those who really need them, not those sitting on jobseekers yet not bothering to get a job and pay their own way.

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